The Body is an Interconnected Network
Chinese Medicine views disease as an imbalance within the holistic body. Because everything in the body is connected in some way, we can successfully treat a wide variety of seemingly unrelated conditions. Below is a partial list of conditions treated at 1000 Folded Cranes Acupuncture and Family Health Clinic.
Don't hesitate to contact us at 323-350-4946 if you have questions about our treatment, your condition, and which diseases we can effectively treat at 1000 Folded Cranes Acupuncture and Family Health Clinic.
Chronic Pain
We are experts in chronic and acute pain management. Many of us have endured some level of pain over time. Through several treatments, we promote the body’s natural ability to repair and heal. To learn more about the specific pain conditions that we treat, please visit our Pain & Injury Page. (Please see Chronic Pain)
Sports Injury
We treat various orthopedic conditions, including inflammation due to injury and musculoskeletal stresses from sports and everyday repetitive activities. Our years of experience treating sports injuries can help you reduce pain and restore function. (Please see Sports Injury)
Stress and Anxiety
With an empathetic approach, we guide patients toward a more balanced response to stress, stabilized mood, elevated energy, and greater consciousness. You will see the difference in our care starting with your first visit. (Please see Stress and Anxiety)
Acupuncture increases the blood supply and boosts the body’s repair response. When channeled appropriately to the uterus and ovaries, acupuncture has a coordinating effect on the body’s hormonal cycles, promoting timely ovulation. Through a series of treatments and techniques, you will see how your body responds, paving the way to improved fertility results. (Please see Fertility)
Dr. Ragsdale caters to children of all ages. Their unique physiology allows them to respond to treatment more effectively than adults, addressing various conditions, including allergies, asthma, colds, immune response, persistent cough, ear infection, acne, and bed-wetting. We also have had success improving ADHA and autism conditions. (Please see Pediatrics)
Preventive Care
If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, then coming in for treatment before illness manifests is just what the doctor ordered. Alongside acupuncture, 1000 Folded Cranes provides integrative strategies, including dietary recommendations, massage, exercise, herbal, and meditative. (Please see Preventive Care)
Digestive Health
The digestive system is a sensitive set of organs. Many of us eat in hurried situations with stressful schedules. These patterns, combined with improper food choices, overeating, and sitting for long periods of time, lead to many digestive disorders, including heartburn, constipation, and diarrhea, as well as more complicated diseases like Ulcerative Colitis, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Crohn’s disease.
Auto-immune Conditions
Acupuncture stimulates natural processes, including immune response. Recent studies indicate favorable effects of acupuncture on immune functions as early as 72 hours after the first session and continue to provide health benefits one month beyond treatments. Impaired immune functions, such as chemotaxis, phagocytosis, lymphoproliferation, and NK activity, were significantly improved by acupuncture. (Please see Immune Health)
Contact 1000 Folded Cranes Acupuncture today.